Silence of the Lambs (The) (Blu-ray 4K) (1991)
Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Brilliant. Cunning. Psychotic. In his mind lies the clue to a ruthless killer. - Clarice Starling, FBI. Brilliant. Vulnerable. Alone. She must trust him to stop the killer.Director: Jonathan Demme
The Arrow release has the original Stereo and the greatest number of extras.
The Kino Lorber release includes an additional documentary, but the Stereo soundtrack is a downmix of the 5.1 track. -
- Blu-ray ALL America- Kino Lorber - No cuts (118:33).
- Blu-ray ALL Canada- Kino Lorber - No cuts (118:33).
- Blu-ray ALL United Kingdom- Arrow Films - No cuts (118:33)
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Comparison added by James-Masaki_Ryan on 24/09/21
Comparison last updated by Rob_Hunt on 13/09/24UPDATE LOG:
24/09/21: Initial entry.
Please ensure you read our disclaimer.
30/09/21: Addition of the DVDBeaver link.
24/03/23: Added Canada KL, notes on KL.
25/03/23: Capsaholic.
22/08/24: Addition of the UK release.
13/09/24: Corrected overall.
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