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Swedish Boarding School Girls
Blu-ray ALL - America - Full Moon Review written by and copyright: Eric Cotenas (4th August 2024). |
The Film
![]() Marie-France (Diane Kelly) is spending the summer in a Swiss boarding school with six Swedish classmates: lazy Astrid (Kathleen Kane), feminist (read: lesbian) inventor Kerstin (Oasis of the Zombies' France Lomay), mischievous Greta (Fascination's Brigitte Lahaie), interchangeable Lil (Helga: She Wolf of Stilberg's Danielle Troger) and Inga (Two Female Spies with Flowered Panties' Nadine Pascal), and frustrated virgin Selma (Elsa Maroussia) who seeks pleasure in dreams and fantasy. Headmistress Klein (Sins of the Flesh's Anne Libert) curbs their opportunities to have fun when she is not sneaking off to the stream to have her way with angler Kurt (Rolls Royce Baby's Eric Falk). Bodybuilding gym teacher Martin (Sexy Sisters' Mike Montana) seems more interested in his own muscles than in his pupils' admiration. The girls, however, decide to take their pleasure into their own hands… so to speak. Kerstin uses her engineering skills in shop to turn the classmates' bicycles into mobile sex toys. Greta takes a trip to the town's only sex shoppe and fantasizes about what they male clientele want to do with her as she shops for the perfect "tools" for Kerstin's invention. Lil and Selma do a bit of skinny-dipping to attract and turn the tables on a peeping tom (Blue Rita's Roman Huber). The class as a whole decides that nude jogging, nude biking, and nude leap-frogging will be the way to determine if Martin is a real man after all, but they are more successful at arousing the interests of a woodman (Edgar Del Ponte) and a pair of plumbers who decide to test the school showers by stripping down and soaping up before the girls turn up. Although framed like a hardcore sex film with a string of sexual vignettes loosely motivated by Marie-France's diary account of her summer school experiences, Swedish Boarding School Girls is strictly softcore but indicative in the context of producer Erwin C. Dietrich's directorial output during this period – while concurrently bankrolling more than a dozen Jess Franco films sharing much of the same cast – of just how much longer sofcore sex comedies remained popular and bankable in Germany concurrently with hardcore when other countries had transitioned almost entirely to the latter. As with most of Dietrich's softcore films, the vast amount of bare flesh – lovingly shot in crisp focus here by Andreas Demmer (Voodoo Passion) and Ruedi Küttel (Love Camp), both usually camera assistants to Dietrich-regular cinematographer Peter Baumgartner (Jack the Ripper) who was probably shooting a Franco film or three simultaneously – is given more emphasis than actual sex, and here even the guys beside exhibitionists Falk and Montana get into the action initiating a strip show for the schoolgirls that would in any other film be prelude to an orgy. The funky score by Walter Baumgartner (Mad Foxes), uncle of Peter Baumgartner, keeps things moving more so than the flat narration. There were three other "Six Swedish Girls" – Six Swedes at the Pump/High Test Girls and Six Swedish Girls in the Alps – films along with Six Swedes in Ibiza, the latter two released in both softcore and hardcore versions. Although a German production, the film was co-produced by French hardcore regular Jacques Orth.
Released to VHS in the United States by Private Screenings, Swedish Boarding School Girls had its first English-friendly German DVD on the ABC DVD "Erotic Classics" line in 2004 while Full Moon for their 2018 DVD was able to utilize the HD master Dietrich struck in 2014 for his English-friendly Blu-ray and remastered DVD. This master has also been used for Full Moon's 1080p24 MPEG-4 AVC 1.85:1 widescreen Blu-ray. While the Franco/Dietrich HD masters are subject as much to the older mastering processes as the lack of consistent focus, Swedish Boarding School Girls generally looks spectacular due to the mostly locked-down camera set-ups including crisp close-ups (gynecological and otherwise) with the exception of an undercranked shot or two and the scene depicting the deflowering of Selma in the woods which seems harshly overexposed photographically more likely than inserted from a poor quality element. The opening credits appear to be composited from more than once source with the German credits looking a bit oversharpened and the original English export title "Six Swedish Girls in a Boarding School" with the animated "Sex" becoming "Six" (Swedish Boarding School Girls is only seen on the cover, the disc face, and the menu).
The default audio option is an English-dubbed Dolby Stereo 2.0 track but a Dolby Digital 5.1 track is accessible via remote. Presumably working from the same elements as the 5.1 English and German tracks on the German Blu-ray, this is not a radical remix but just gives spread to the nature sounds and scoring while dialogue is centered and subject to the original dubbing studio recording which is clear but usually sounds divorced from the rest of the mix as it probably was even in the mono mixdowns. There are no subtitle options.
The only extra is a video trailer (1:06) with the "Six Swedish Girls in a Boarding School" title video-generated.
While some other Full Moon erotic titles have had conventional erotic imagery on the slipcover and more explicit art on the actual cover, the slipcover for this release is more explicit than the cover artwork.
Swedish Boarding School Girls is higher on nudity than actual sex but is quite pleasant to look at and quite indicative of just how much longer sex comedies were popular in Germany when other territories were switching to hardcore.
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