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Videodrome AKA Zonekiller (Blu-ray 4K)
[Blu-ray 4K]
Blu-ray ALL - United Kingdom - Arrow Films Review written by and copyright: Paul Lewis (7th October 2022). |
The Film
![]() Videodrome (David Cronenberg, 1983) ![]() Videodrome (1983), Mathijs argues, may be considered the ultimate Cronenberg film. It is a picture which contains all of the major motifs within Cronenberg’s films: ‘science, technology (both shiny and fleshy), body horror, gore, isolation, hallucination, medicine, paranoia, family dysfunctions, physical sexuality, male and female sado-masochism’ (ibid.). The film opens with Max Renn (James Woods), president of Civic TV (Channel 83), receiving a video-recording of a wake-up call from one of the station’s employees, Bridey James (Julie Khaner). Max has a meeting with the representatives of Hiroshima Video, who want to sell Max their new thirteen-part erotic series set in feudal Japan, Samurai Dreams. However, Max seems unimpressed with this offering, finding it too ‘soft’: Max is ‘looking for something that’ll break through, you know. Something tough’. ‘Something tough’ is presented to Max by the station’s technician Harlan (Peter Dvorsky). Harlan is the operator of the pirate satellite dish owned by the station; it’s a clandestine operation that involves Harlan unscrambling foreign broadcasts. Harlan shows Max a new signal, the Videodrome signal. The technology behind the Videodrome signal is impressive, Harlan tells Max, with the broadcasters going to great lengths to protect the signal from eavesdroppers like Harland (‘They’ve got an unscrambler scrambler, if you know what I mean’). The signal’s country of origin, Harlan says, appears to be Malaysia. The footage Harlan has managed to unscramble depicts a woman restrained by two men in overalls, in what appears to be a high-tech torture chamber. The woman is held against an electrified clay wall before being throttled by the men. ‘Grotesque, as promised’, Harlan says. Max is unfazed. ![]() Harlan reveals to Max that the Videodrome signal isn’t sourced from Malaysia but rather from Pittsburgh. Despite Max’s warnings, Nikki visits Pittsburgh on an assignment for her radio station and promises to track down the producers of Videodrome. Meanwhile, Max begins to experience disturbing hallucinations which seem to have some relationship to his exposure to the Videodrome broadcast. Acting on the advice of Masha (Lynne Gorman), one of the distributors with whom he negotiates, Max attempts to make contact with Brian O’Blivion at O’Blivion’s Cathode Ray Mission – a soup kitchen-type place in which the homeless can have free access to television. There, Max makes contact with Brian O’Blivion’s daughter Bianca O’Blivion (Sonja Smits). Bianca tells Max that ‘My father has not engaged in conversation for over twenty years. The monologue is his preferred mode of discourse’ and gives Max a videotaped message from her father. Via the videotaped recording, O’Blivion reveals to Max that his ‘reality is already half video hallucination. If you’re not careful it will become total hallucination. You’ll have to learn to live in a very strange new world’. Max experiences yet another hallucination whilst watching the tape: Nikki appears on screen and throttles O’Blivion, and the television cabinet begins to sigh and swell as Nikki tells Max, ‘Come to me. Come to Nikki’. Max buries his head in the now deeply swollen television screen, which bears a close-up of Nikki’s red lips. Then he wakes up the next morning. Disturbed by his experience, Max pays a visit to Bianca. Bianca tells Max that her father has been dead for almost a year, and has left behind a store of videotaped monologues which she uses to perpetuate the illusion that Brian O’Blivion is still alive. Brian O’Blivion, Bianca says, helped to develop the Videodrome signal in conjunction with Spectacular Optical, a chain of opticians and eyeglass manufacturers and retailers who also have a contract with the US government for the production of missile guidance systems. When O’Blivion realised that his work would be used for what seems to be a military purpose, he ‘tried to take it away from them, and so they killed him quetly’. A sideproduct of O’Blivion’s work on the Videodrome signal was the growth of a tumour in his brain and accompanying hallucinations: O’Blivion believed that the tumour was caused by the hallucinations rather than the other way around. The Videodrome signal itself is not tied to the ‘snuff’ television broadcast that Max was shown by Harlan: ‘the Videodrome signal, the one that does the damage [ie, causes the hallucinations and tumours], can be delivered under a test signal, anything’. The hallucinations it causes, Bianca tells Max, are determined by the tone of the broadcast that the signal is inserted into. ![]() Rumour has it that David Cronenberg was inspired to make Videodrome after seeing the remarkably authentic-looking snuff movie sequences from Aristide Massaccesi’s notorious Emanuelle in America (1977) at an exhibition organised by the Ontario Censor Board to validate their work. Whether this is true or not is open to debate, but certainly Videodrome initially connects its depiction of filmed torture and murder to the same myths perpetrated in Massaccesi’s film: chiefly, that such material originates in exotic locales like Asia or South America (‘where life is cheap’, as the tagline on the posters for the Findlay’s Snuff declared in 1976). However, as Videodrome’s narrative progresses these myths are exploded: Harlan initially declares that the Videodrome signal is originating within Malaysia but later reveals that it appears to be coming from much closer to home, in Pittsburgh; and later on, it is revealed that the Videodrome footage is in fact not part of an underground broadcast at all but is instead on videotape, put together by Spectacular Optical, presumably as part of their military contract with the government, and used as a brainwashing tool (the footage is shown by Harlan, a ‘plant’ within Channel 83, to Max in order to ‘create’ an assassin out of him). So this profoundly subversive film begins with the usual association of ‘snuff movies’ with exotic locations before revealing that the source of this footage is within the US, and has in fact been put together by a company (Spectacular Optical) which has a contract with the United States Department of Defense. There’s the hint of a conspiracy but its precise aims are never clarified: the audience is as much in the dark about its precise nature as Max Renn himself. The plan seems to be to seize Channel 83 and use it to broadcast the Videodrome signal as a means of preparing America for a new era of violence. The use of the Videodrome signal on Max, as a means of turning him into an assassin who can be programmed by his handlers, is facilitated by the violence and sadistic sexuality within the Videodrome broadcast. As Convex tells Max, ‘exposure to violence opens up the receptors in the brain and the spine, and that allows the signal to seep in’. Convex ‘programs’ Max into assassinating the other owners of Channel 83 by inserting a Betamax tape into the vaginal slit that appears in Max’s stomach: a very visual metaphor for the impact of the media on its audience. Speaking with Max after he has been programmed in such a way by Convex, Bianca tells Max that ‘You’re an assassin now, for Videodrome. They can program you. They can play you like a videotape recorder. They can make you do what they want’. The use of experimental science to create an assassin, and the second half of the film’s focus on conspiracy theories, seems to allude to the legends surrounding the CIA’s mind control experiment Project MKULtra, which reputedly involved the use of mind-altering drugs – including hallucinogens – in order to modify the behaviour of the test subjects or exact ‘mind control’ (as a means of what’s often popularly termed ‘brainwashing’). In particular, Videodrome draws on the popular conspiracy theory which suggests that commercial cinema and television (and other forms of entertainment) are an extension of the Project MKUltra program and demonstrate an attempt to use the media to manipulate the behaviour of citizens on a large scale. ![]() Videodrome was made in an era in which home video was still a fairly new medium (the special features tell us that Betamax tapes were used in the film, over VHS cassettes, owing to their size and the practicalities of the effects in the sequence in which Convex inserts a videotape into Renn’s stomach). The technology within the film may seem slightly antiquated though the ideas are arguably more relevant than ever: some of Brian O’Blivion’s statements (for example, his declaration that we will all live by assumed ‘screen’ names) seem incredibly prophetic in the age of social media; and Harlan’s (apparent) discovery of the encrypted Videodrome transmission still has all sorts of resonance in an era in which urban legends proliferate about ‘red rooms’ on the Internet in which torture and murder are enacted for paying spectators who get their kicks from such footage. From the outset, Max is depicted as a man who is desperate to push the proverbial envelope in search of a larger audience for Channel 83 – and also, it is suggested, owing to his own fascination with violence and sexual sadism. (When Max tells Convex that he only watched the Videodrome broadcast for ‘business reasons’, Convex suggests that Max got his ‘kicks watching torture and murder’.) After watching the final episode of Samurai Dreams, in which a wooden dildo disguised as a geisha doll is used graphically onscreen, Max asks his colleagues at Channel 83, ‘What do you think? Can we get away with it? Do we wanna get away with it?’ Max ultimately dismisses Samurai Dreams as ‘soft. Something… soft about it’. Likewise, when Masha (Lynne Gorman) offers Max her new show, Apollo and Dionysus, an erotic programme set in the time of Ancient Greece, Max dismisses it and tells Masha ‘I’m looking for something a bit more… contemporary’. He tells Masha of his interest in Videodrome: ‘like “Video Circus”, “Video Arena”. Do you know it? [….] It’s just torture and murder, no plot, no characters – very realistic. I think it’s what’s next’. Masha offers the first hint that the Videodrome phenomenon has an explicit political dimension. She tells Max to leave Videodrome alone: ‘it is definitely not for public consumption’, she declares, ‘I think it’s dangerous, Max’. Max initially believes that Masha means the Videodrome signal is connected to organised crime: ‘The Mafia?’, he queries, ‘They do business’. ‘It’s more, how can I say, more political than that’, Masha tells him. ![]() On The Rena King Show, Rena King asserts that Channel 83 ‘offers everything from softcore pornography to hardcore violence’ and asks Max why. Max begins by telling King and the show’s viewers that ‘it’s a matter of economics, Rena. We’re small: in order to survive, we have to give people something they can’t get anywhere else’. Having outlined the economic imperative behind the extreme content of Channel 83, for the first of several times in the film, Max also justifies the content of Channel 83 through referring to the principle of catharsis, arguing that his channel offers viewers a ‘harmless outlet for their fantasies, their sexual frustrations’. Later in the film, when Max describes the Videodrome broadcast to Masha and tells her ‘I think it’s what’s next’, she replies by asserting ‘Then God help us’. Max once again refers to the concept of catharsis to justify his interest in Videodrome: ‘Better on the TV than on the streets’, he says. The Rena King Show also offers us the first chance to hear Brian O’Blivion’s philosophy. ‘The television screen is the retina of the mind’s eye’, O’Blivion declares via the television monitor in the studio. ‘That’s why I refuse to appear on television except on television. Of course, O’Blivion is not the name I was born with: that’s my television name. Soon all of us will have special names, names designed to cause the cathode ray tube to resonate’. Like the narration of Cronenberg’s early short Stereo (1969) and the writings of post-structuralist thinker Jean Baudrillard, Brian O’Blivion’s rhetoric ‘is hyper-technologised but anti-rational; moebius-like in its evocation of a dissolute, spectacular reality’ (ibid.). For his part, initially Max believes the torture and murder in the Videodrome broadcast to be simulated, part of a broader narrative. ‘When does the plot start to unravel here?’, Max asks Harlan, ‘I mean, who is this black guy? Is he a prisoner?’ ‘There’s no plot’, Harlan tells Max Renn with slight exasperation, ‘It just goes on like that for an hour or more [….] Torture, murder, mutilation’. Later, Masha tells Max that ‘What you see on that show [Videodrome], it’s for real. It’s not acting. It’s “snuff” TV’. ‘Why do it for real?’, Max asks, ‘It’s easier and safer to fake it’. ‘Because it has something you don’t have, Max’, Masha responds, ‘It has a philosophy, and that is what makes it dangerous’. Masha appears to have some inside knowledge of Videodrome, so her assertion that the broadcast is ‘“snuff” TV’ may be taken at face value, but the revelation that Videodrome originates within Spectacular Optical and the broadcast is simply a device used to carry the signal which generates the hallucinations (and tumours) within its viewers also carries with it the suggestion that the ‘snuff’ footage is faked. Whether it is or not is unimportant, however: what is important is the suggestion that Max’s (and our) perception as to whether or not Videodrome is simulated (ie, whether or not it is ‘real’ or ‘faked’) continually destabilises Max’s (and, again, our) perception of the broadcast. ![]() Videodrome was cut for an ‘R’ rating in the US, and this ‘R’ rated version of the film was the one that was shown in UK cinemas. (The ‘R’ rated cut trimmed the Samurai Dreams footage and toned down some of the Videodrome broadcast footage, as well as trimming much of the violence and shortening the sequence in which Max pierces Nikki’s ears during their love-making.) Released on videocassette by CIC in 1987, the film was further cut by the distributors before being submitted to the BBFC for video classification: another three minutes of material was excised, and much of this footage was from the scenes in which Nikki’s masochism is foregrounded (for example, when she asks Max to cut her with his knife). The unrated cut was broadcast on Sky during the early 1990s and was also issued on LaserDisc during that period (though this doesn’t appear to have been submitted to the BBFC). However, the subsequent UK DVD and Blu-ray releases from Universal (in 2002 and 2011, respectively) contained the ‘R’ rated cut (though reinstated the material pre-cut by the distributor for the 1987 videocassette).
![]() Arrow’s new 2022 4k UHD release contains both the unrated cut of the film (88:38 mins) and the US ‘R’-rated theatrical cut (87:21) mins. Both versions, Arrow’s copy tells us, have been restored in 4k from the original camera negative. Both cuts of Videodrome are presented in 2160p, using the 1HEVC codec, with Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible). The 4k presentation(s) is/are superb. Detail is excellent throughout, but it’s in the area of contrast and colour reproduction that this new 4k presentation establishes its independent strengths over the already-impressive 2015 Blu-ray release from Arrow. The film opens with a shot of a lo-res CRT television, on which Bridie’s wake-up video recording for Max plays. Here, the contrast of the brightness of the television screen with the dinginess of Max’s flat has never been so evident: the subsequent shot, of Max sleeping on his sofa, reveals his facial contours picked out delicately by the reflected light from the television. This moment showcases the subtle gradations of light, and the textures in the toe of the exposure, that are achievable with a carefully-graded HDR presentation. The same could be said of other sequences which feature prominent cutaways to videotaped material: the ‘Samurai Dreams’ sequence, for example, and Max’s first encounter with ‘Videodrome’ in Harlan’s ‘office’. Colours are predominantly naturalistic—muted, even—but with bursts of primary colour: for example, the prominent red ‘warning’ sign in Harlan’s den, and Nikki’s red dress (which Max mentions in the dialogue) during the talk show sequence. Some of the shots exclusive to the director’s cut (for example, the long shot of Max and Nikki, naked and embracing, in front of ‘Videodrome’) may be patched in from a slightly lesser quality source. (The shot in question features a slightly ‘posterisation’ effect, which may or may not be intentional.) The dingy lighting in the hotel where Max meets the Japanese distributors of ‘Samurai Dreams’, may at first glance seem unintentional but is contrasted sharply with the well-lit television studio during the recording of the Rene King Show that follows. In sum, this new 4k presentation highlights the subtle shifts in colour tones and lighting/contrast that have not been so evident on the film’s previous home video releases. The encode to disc presents no issues, and the overall result is an astoundingly good, filmlike presentation of Videodrome.
Audio is presented via a DTS-HD MA 2.0 mono track. This is as pleasing as the visual aspects of the presentation. Howard Shore’s pulsing and strange electronic shore is showcased wonderfully, and the audio track demonstrates depth and range. Optional English subtitles for the Hard of Hearing are included.
![]() This disc includes the film, with an optional audio commentary by Tim Lucas. Lucas, who was on the set of Videodrome, offers a thorough and carefully-prepared commentary (as with Lucas’ other commentaries, this one seems thoroughly scripted), delivering a discussion of the film that is rooted in first-person experiences. ‘David Cronenberg and the Cinema of the Extreme’ (21:04). This featurette, originally broadcast on BBC2 in 1997 prior to a screening of Videodrome, features Cronenberg interviewed about his films alongside George A Romero and Alex Cox. It’s an excellent little piece that is illustrated with some clips from the films under discussion. ‘Forging the New Flesh’ (27:44). Presented (and directed) by Videodrome’s special effects supervisor Michael Lennick, and originally made for inclusion on the Criterion Collection’s DVD release of the film, this featurette focuses on the production of the film from the perspective of the makeup effects team. It includes interviews with Rick Baker, Bill Sturgeon, Frank C Carere and location manager David Coatsworth, interspersed with archival interviews from the film’s production and behind-the-scenes footage. ‘Fear on Film’ (25:40). Made in 1982, this round table discussion about the horror film generally is hosted by Mick Garris and features input from Cronenberg, John Carpenter and John Landis. The participants talk about their work in some detail, especially the battles they have had with censorship bodies. Carpenter and Cronenberg also discuss the two films that at the time of the interview, they were still making: Videodrome and Carpenter’s remake of The Thing. ‘Samurai Dreams’ with commentary by Michael Lennick (4:47). Presented here is all of the footage shot for Hiroshima Video’s Samurai Dreams series within Videodrome, filmed on one-inch tape. Lennick provides commentary over this, talking about the production of the footage. Helmet Camera Test with commentary by Michael Lennick (4:45). Here, we can view the various tests produced for use in the sequence in which Convex places on Max the helmet which, Convex claims, can record Max’s hallucinations. Lennick once again provides commentary over this footage, discussing how the effects were achieved. Why Betamax? (1:11). Lennick explains the reasons why Betamax was used, rather than VHS, as the videocassette format within the film: principally owing to the size of the cassettes, which made it easier to achieve the effect in which a tape is inserted into Max’s stomach. Promotional Featurette (7:51). This is an EPK made when Videodrome was in production. Made by Mick Garris, the featurette includes interviews with Cronenberg, James Woods, Deborah Harry and Rick Baker, interspersed with footage from the production of the film. In this regard, there is some overlap with the footage in the ‘Forging the New Flesh’ featurette. Interviews: - Mark Irwin (26:27). In this new interview, Irwin reflects on his career as a director of photography and talks specifically about his work with Cronenberg, which began with Fast Company in 1979. Irwin talks in detail about the photography within Videodrome. This is an utterly superb interview that offers substantial insight into the film’s aesthetic. ![]() - Dennis Etchison (16:45). This fascinating interview is with the author of the novelisation of Videodrome, which differs quite substantially from the film in some places. Etchison talks about the difficulties in adapting such an unusual script. ‘Camera’ (2000) (6:40). This short film, directed by Cronenberg for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Toronto Film Festival, is shot on a mixture of digital video and 35mm film. It features Leslie Carlson playing a has-been actor who, in a monologue, reflects sadly on the state of cinema. It’s a short film that is very much about our relationship with technology. ‘Pirated Signals: The Lost Broadcast’ (25:46). Here we are presented with the footage included in the American television cut of the film, which trimmed back some of the more explicit material within Videodrome but includes some narrative material (and new opening and closing titles) that was eliminated from the final theatrical cut of the feature. This material clarifies some of the narrative events in a way that, if one watches the American television cut in its entirety, undermines the film’s ambiguous nature – and the picture’s enigmatic quality is arguably its greatest strength. Some of the material included here is simply extensions of scenes already included in the theatrical cut of Videodrome, but there are some alternate scenes too. For example, the scene in which Max is taken to Spectacular Optical by limousine: in the theatrical cut of the film, he rides alone and watches a video by Barry Convex; in the footage from the television cut of the picture presented in this extra, Max enters the limousine to find Nikki Brand seated inside. The footage has been sourced from a tape. Trailers (4:33). Image Galleries: Behind the Scenes Stills; Lobby Cards; Production Stills.
![]() Arrow’s new 4k UHD release of Videodrome is outstandingly good, building on their already solid 2015 Blu-ray release. The inclusion of both the ‘R’ rated theatrical cut and the unrated director’s cut is to be commended: though admittedly, most fans will probably default to watching the unrated cut, the theatrical cut is a worthy inclusion. The 4k presentations of both cuts are superb: filmlike, and demonstrating the positive qualities of the 4k format, particularly in terms of colour reproduction and contrast. This release is highly recommended. Long live the New Flesh! References: Bukatman, Scott, 2007: ‘Who Programs You? The Science Fiction of the Spectacle’. In: Redmond, Sean (ed), 2007: Liquid Metal: The Science Fiction Reader. London: Wallflower Press: 228-38 Burton, Lyndsey, 2013: ‘Low income and digital exclusion’. [Online.] http://www.poverty.ac.uk/editorial/low-income-and-digital-exclusion Date accessed: 12 August, 2015
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