The Film

After watching a couple of mediocre Adam Sandler (Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison or Going Overboard anyone?) films I was unsure whether or not I was going to enjoy this movie about a wedding singer of all things. Well, after 97 minutes I had changed my mind. This really does have to be one of the best feel good films that I have ever seen!
Adam Sandler plays Robbie Hart, a wedding singer bringing an extra moment of joy to newlyweds at their reception. That is until, on the day of his own wedding, he is jilted at the altar by his bride to be Linda (Angela Featherstone). Because of this, when he is performing at receptions, he is the newlywed's worst nightmare. This is probably best shown when he performs the song Love Stinks. When he takes a young boy at one of the receptions to the back of the building so he isn't sick in front of his family, he meets Julia (Drew Barrymore). As the story moves along, Robbie helps Julia plan her wedding to stockbroker Glenn (played by Matthew Glave) only to realise he has fallen in love with her. Glenn cheats on Julia and Robbie sees this. What he doesn't know, is that Julia has also fallen for him. Once finally told of this by his best friend Sammy (Allen Covert), who spends a part of this film trying to look like Freddy Mercury, he must stop Julia from going through with her wedding. However, after a turn for the worst, they've decided to get married early. In Vegas. It is up to him to find her before it's too late.
The film is set in the 1980's and it carries this in the film absolutely perfectly. From the music, to the clothes, to the cars, it was like being put back in the eighties yourself. For once, Adam Sandler's acting was absolutely top as was the terrific Drew Barrymore. Another minor point that made the film a treat to watch were the fantastic cameos by Steve Buscemi (Of Reservoir Dogs and Monsters Inc fame), Jon Lovitz (from High School High and Saturday Night Live) and Billy Idol (A 1980's rock icon).
I'll leave you one question. Do Robbie and Julia hit it off? I know what happens and if you don't then I thorougly recommend this romantic comedy. I never thought I'd recommend an Adam Sandler film.
The picture is presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen. The only problem I came across with the picture was a very small amount of artefacting. Other than that, a sharp and clean transfer.
An excellent 5.1 soundtrack in English. Does what it needs to do. No complaints.
There are a few biographies included on the disc and they are only a couple of pages each. They are for Adam Sandler, the gorgeous Drew Barrymore, Christine Taylor, Jon Lovitz, Steve Buscemi and Alexis Arquette. However, although the biographies are short, they are quite insightful into the careers of the cast members.
There is also your run of the mill trailer.
Tanks to "Entertainment In Video" for the review copy.
The Film: B |
Video: B |
Audio: B |
Extras: D |
Overall: C |