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Quatermass Conclusion (The) (Blu-ray)
Blu-ray B - United Kingdom - Network Review written by and copyright: Paul Lewis (23rd July 2015). |
The Film
![]() ![]() With this series, John Mills joined the ranks of the number of actors who have played Nigel Kneale’s character of Professor Bernard Quatermass in television and cinema: on television the character had been played by Reginald Tate in the original 1953 BBC production of The Quatermass Experiment, John Robinson in its sequel series Quatermass II (BBC, 1955), and Andre Morell in Quatermass and the Pit (BBC, 1958-9). These actors were joined on the big screen by Brian Donlevy, whose performance as an American Quatermass featured in the film adaptations of the first two serials, The Quatermass Xperiment (Val Guest, 1955) and Quatermass 2 (Val Guest, 1957), and Andrew Keir in Quatermass and the Pit (Roy Ward Baker, 1967). (Since Quatermass, the character has also been played by Jason Flemyng in the BBC’s 2005 remake of The Quatermass Experiment.) John Mills was the first actor to play Quatermass on both the big and small screens – but in contrast with prior Quatermass film adaptations, which were separate productions from the television versions, this final Quatermass serial was broadcast in four parts on UK television and released to cinemas in America (as The Quatermass Conclusion) in a version edited to feature film length. Within its four episodes, Quatermass revisits and consolidates some of the themes of Kneale’s earlier Quatermass serials, including The Quatermass Experiment’s focus on the space race, and Quatermass and the Pit’s examination of the relationships between science and the occult. ![]() This programme is entitled ‘Hands in Space’. Kapp and Quatermass are to be interviewed during a live broadcast depicting the collaboration between Russian cosmonauts and American astronauts, who working together are building a new space station. (The interviewer, Toby Gough, played by Neil Stacy, is forbidden from mentioning the disastrous space mission that Quatermass himself was associated with – an allusion to the events of The Quatermass Experiment.) However, Quatermass expresses strong criticisms of the project and hijacks the programme to beg the audience for help finding his missing granddaughter, Hettie Carlson (Rebecca Saire). Shortly afterwards, disaster strikes and the people in the studio watch on as the video monitor shows the space shuttles and the partially-constructed station being crushed by an invisible force, the astronauts and cosmonauts killed. ![]() On their way to Kapp’s home, Quatermass and Kapp encounter the Planet People: a mass of hippie-like youths who are hostile to science and learning, and chant ‘Leh! Leh!’ whilst they take part in a bizarre pilgrimage of some kind. The observatory is near a small five thousand year old stone circle that the Kapp’s have named ‘The Stumpy Men’, and The Planet People pass by The Stumpy Men on their way to a larger stone circle, Ringstone Round (which, according to Clare Kapp, is ‘even older than Stonehenge’ and ‘could have been the prototype’). The Planet People arrive at Ringstone Round, and the (armed) police who are there fail to keep them away from the stone circle. Overreacting, the police open fire and shoot at the Planet People; the Planet People overcome the police, and a mysterious beam of light shoots from the sky, turning the Planet People (and the police officers) to dust. Episode two, ‘Lovely Lightning’, opens with the revelation that the Planet People have been essentially cremated by the blast. The surviving Planet People believe that their comrades have been beamed up to ‘the Planet, all of ‘em’. It seems the Planet People believe ‘the Planet’ to be some form of paradise. They refer to the ray as ‘lovely lightning’. ![]() The local District Commissioner, Annie Morgan (Margaret Tyzack), arrives at the observatory and asks Quatermass and Kapp what took place at Ringstone Round. They explain the events to her. They establish communication with Chuck Marshall (Tony Sibbald), an American and former colleague of Quatermass, who tells them that another blast killing ‘twelve or thirteen thousand kids’ has taken place in Brazil. Quatermass and Annie plan to take Isabel to London, where they will be able to stabilise her and also run some tests. It seems that a large number of similar ‘cullings’ of young people by the alien force have taken place all over the world, including in the cities. As they drive through London Annie inadvertently takes Quatermass and Isabel through an area that is torn apart by running battles between the Badders and the Blue Brigade. Annie’s vehicle is caught in the crossfire between these two gangs, and Quatermass is pulled from it. Annie, however, manages to escape to the nearby hospital. Meanwhile, Kapp returns home to find that the Planet People have congregated near The Stumpy Men for yet another of the blasts – and Clare and the children may have been caught in it. ![]() Arriving at the hospital, Annie struggles with bureaucratic red tape and the official denial of the incident that has taken place at Ringstone Round. However, she is eventually allowed to admit Isabel. Whilst Isabel is being monitored, Annie and the doctors watch in astonishment as Isabel levitates and then explodes. Meanwhile, Quatermass is ‘rescued’ from the makeshift community in the wrecker’s yard by the military, and he is ushered to the television studio where the popular ‘Tittupy Bumpity’ show is interrupted for an emergency broadcast, involving Quatermass, that deals with the events at Ringstone Round and the other ancient sites across the world. Meanwhile, the Russians and the Americans plan to launch a space mission to communicate with the alien intelligence. ‘Forget about trying to get through to it’, Quatermass tells them, ‘The ripe crop can’t appeal to the reaper [….] The human race is being harvested’. The Russian and American space mission fails catastrophically, the shuttle being blasted with the beam that is directed towards the Earth. Meanwhile, back in London, gladiatorial games have been scheduled to take place at Wembley Stadium, but Quatermass suggests that this too may be built on an ancient gathering site. Quatermass expresses belief that the beam will strike at Wembley Stadium during the ‘games’. In response to this, a government minister asks Quatermass, ‘Do you really suggests Wembley Stadium is an ancient site?’ ‘The “sacred turf”, they call it’, Quatermass responds, ‘I wonder what’s underneath’. Quatermass and Annie rush to Wembley Stadium but are ambushed as the beam strikes. ![]() Quatermass suggests that the beam that is directed towards the Earth may simply be ‘a machine – of incredible sophistication, but a machine nonetheless’, and that the intelligence which built the machine may be long dead. The threat, Quatermass argues, is unknowable; the only hope is to stop it harvesting more humans. Working with his assumption that the beam is attracted by the ‘scent’ and hormonal secretions of humans gathered at these ancient spots, Quatermass works with a Russian scientist, Gurov (Brewster Mason). The pair attempt to devise a way to set a trap for the machine. Quatermass intends to use Kapp’s radio telescope to ‘put out the analogue of a human presence. The sound of them, the smell of them. Their secretions; hormones; pheromones’ and use this for bait to attract the attention of the beam. ‘And the poison?’, Kapp asks. ‘There’ll be poison’, Quatermass tells him: ‘thirty-five kilotons of thermonuclear blast, focused upwards’. Quatermass scoffs at Kapp’s suggestion that this might destroy whatever device is directing the beam, telling the younger scientist that ‘I can’t. There’s no question. Sting it. Send a shock through its ganglia. It’ll be like a man who stepped on a hornet. That’s all’. Peter Hutchings has suggested that the differences between the Quatermass stories and contemporaneous American science fiction television and cinema is in their approach to the individual’s relationship with society: Hutchings has argued that ‘the Quatermass stories have a tendency to view individuals as existing primarily within and in relation to groups, institutions and collectives’ (Hutchings, 2004: 341). So ‘the world of Quatermass’ is populated not by ‘lovers or families [… or very many] free-standing individuals’ but rather by ‘scientists, soldiers, policemen, politicians, journalists, workers’ (ibid.). For Hutchings, this view of society and the roles of people within it is dependent on ‘a notion of the people developed and circulated in Britain during the Second World War’: the idea, put forward in wartime propaganda as a means of unifying ‘a working class alienated from ideas of national unity after the experience of the Depression’, that ‘the people as a national collective absorbed and superseded the individual, where romance and desire were expendable, even frivolous, given Britain’s troubled circumstances, and where the nuclear family that had been disrupted by war was replaced by the group as the prime site of interaction and mutual support’ (ibid.). ![]() Quatermass foregrounds its themes of social breakdown and urban decay, depicted through the iconography graffiti (the slogan ‘Kill HM the King’ is a recurring motif here, and later shots of a framed picture of a young Prince Charles suggest he is the target of this hatred) and youth gangs like the Badders and the Blue Brigade. The series extrapolates from the unrest in Europe during the 1970s, with the actions of the street gangs recalling both the battles between mods and rockers during the 1960s and the attacks of groups like the Brigate Rosse in Italy during the 1970s: the Badders, we are told within the first episode, picked their name because they were inspired by the West German Baader-Meinhof Group (the Red Army Faction/Rote Armee Fraktion). However, the Badders’ violence (apparently) lacks the political motivation of the Baader-Meinhof Group, seemingly being inspired purely by a love of violence itself. ![]() ![]() In episode one, Quatermass’ visit to the city is a shock to him: he is surprised to hear automatic gunfire in the streets and even more surprised when a group of youths accost him and threaten him with violence (‘Take his teeth out’, the gang leader asserts). When Kapp rescues Quatermass, a visibly shaken Quatermass observes, ‘They were enjoying it’. ‘Yes, of course they were’, Kapp tells him. Arriving at the television studio, the interviewer Toby notices the bruises and abrasions on Quatermass’ face. Quatermass tells Toby that he has been mugged. ‘It happens all the time’, Toby replies nonchalantly. ‘You too?’, Quatermass asks. ‘Broken jaw last time’, Toby tells him. Shortly after, Quatermass questions Kapp about the violence he has witnessed in the city during his brief visit there. ‘They’re just bland about it’, Kapp tells Quatermass, ‘They call it “urban collapse” and it’s “nobody’s fault”’. ‘Yes, but the savagery…’, Quatermass begins, lost for words. ‘You should see Paris or Rotterdam’, Kapp informs him, suggesting the violence is not just endemic within Britain but has spread across the globe. ‘Little suburban streets with… with dead bodies’, a shocked Quatermass says, ‘I’d never have believed it till I came down here this week’. Shortly afterwards, he tells Kapp – during a discussion of Quatermass’ missing granddaughter Hettie – ‘Do you know they won’t even list them [missing people]? They’ve so many missing they’ve just given up’. In episode two, whilst on the way to deliver Isabel to London, Quatermass hears gunfire and Annie tells him, ‘When you hear it, just keep going. That’s the best rule. If they jump out in front of you, just drive at them’. Quatermass expresses shock at Annie’s declaration, and Annie asks him, ‘What went wrong? Was it the kids? Oh, Professor… Bernard… what went into them all? The blind rage, as if we had to have it’. In response to this, Quatermass offers a hypothesis: that ‘an immense power [that has been] approaching Earth for decades’ has somehow affected ‘the most vulnerable organisms’, the very young. ![]() Amidst the chaos and social unrest, the authorities have tried to mitigate this explosion of brutality with a return to gladiatorial combat. Wembley Stadium, Quatermas is informed by Kipp, has been renamed ‘The Killing Ground’ and is the site of a vaguely-defined form of violent combat. ‘They actually encourage it?’, Quatermass asks Kapp upon hearing about this for the first time. ‘Well, contain it’, Kapp offers, ‘At least, that was the notion’. ‘Like the Roman arenas’, Quatermass observes. ‘Right. Gladiators [….] Oh, well, as long as it keeps them happy’, Kapp says. Ironically, the new name of Wembley Stadium takes on added meaning when Quatermass discovers that it was built on the site of one of the ancient gathering places and is one of the likely targets for the ‘harvesting’ of the humans gathered there. ![]() The series offers quite a direct criticism of New Age beliefs, through the representation of the Planet People and their belief that they will be rewarded by being transported to ‘the Planet’. Through their examination of the Planet People, the Badders and the Blue Brigade, Kneale’s scripts offer a strong critique of the herd mentality and the tendency of young to gather in crowds and gangs and express anti-intellectual sentiments. Kneale’s fiction often displays a criticism of mindlessness and the ‘sheep mentality’. Here, this criticism is expressed directly by Quatermass, who reflects on ‘These great gatherings. They’re another freak of our times. Huge assemblies. Mindless, enormous. Supposedly to listen to some leader or pop star, but really just to crowd together’. ‘Or to fight’, Annie adds. ‘Yes, more and more’, Quatermass concedes. ![]() When Quatermass first sees the Planet People, he asks Kapp about them, observing that they ‘don’t seem violent’. Kapp informs Quatermass that the Planet People ‘are violent in a different way: to human thought’. They demonstrate a virulent brand of anti-intellectualism, with a particular sense of hostility directed towards the field of science. After the incident at Ringstone Round in which a large number of the Planet People are cremated by the blast from the sky, the remaining Planet People express their belief that their friends have gone to ‘the Planet’, a paradise of some kind. Clare declares, ‘I don’t understand. I don’t want to understand’. One of the surviving Planet People tells Clare, ‘Stop trying to know things’. Later, in episode four, Kickalong, who has elected himself as the leader of the Planet People, suggests to Kapp that some people killed in the blasts may not be taken up to ‘the Planet’ owing to being ‘spoiled’ by learning, ‘too much think and talk’: instead of being transported to the paradise that the Planet People imagine, these ‘spoiled’ people ‘just get spilled away’ – and it is this ‘spillage’ that has polluted the skies, turning them green. ‘If you want to come with us’, Kickalong tells Kapp, ‘you’ve got to get it all out of your brain [….] All the muck you learned, every bit’. ‘But you can’t unlearn’, Kapp protests. In response, Kickalong simply declares that Kapp is held back by ‘All them words in there’ – and taps his head. ![]() Some of the motifs from Quatermass (Stonehenge, the ‘harvesting’ of young people) worked their way into the script for Halloween III: Season of the Witch (Tommy Lee Wallace, 1982), for which Kneale contributed an early draft that was subsequently revised considerably. Legend has it that Kneale walked away from the project after producer Dino De Laurentiis demanded a greater emphasis on violence. However, Kneale’s recurring focus on the ritual, and the conflict between science and superstition is evident throughout the film; and the film’s premise of a television broadcast which causes the deaths of young people can be traced back to an unproduced script that Kneale wrote in the 1960s, The Big Big Giggle. (That said, the references to Stonehenge were added after Kneale abandoned Halloween III, with Kneale’s drafts referencing the dolmens instead.) Reflecting on this script, John Carpenter later said that ‘it was great, but it was odd, and there was this … anti-Irish bitterness throughout the story’ (Carpenter, quoted in Cumbow, 2000: 69; ellipsis in original). Carpenter and Kneale disagreed when Carpenter suggested to Kneale that the film’s audience ‘comes to these movies to have fun and to be scared’, and in response Kneale asserted, ‘I don’t care about the audience’ (Carpenter, quoted in ibid.; emphasis in original). Kneale’s Halloween III was ‘three-fourths of a great script’ but was hampered, for Carpenter, by the fact that ‘there was this kind of disillusioned old man behind it’ (Carpenter, quoted in ibid.). Carpenter suggested that ‘I could never figure it out until I read his novelization of The Quatermass Conclusion. I think if anybody has any doubts about the changes that have gone on in his [Kneale’s] life since his early work, you should read that. He’s an angry man who doesn’t understand what the world has become, and he really doesn’t like people very much’ (Carpenter, quoted in ibid.). ![]() Euston Films shot the production on 35mm, at a time when much British television was still shot predominantly in studios on videotape (with 16mm inserts often used for location work). Founded in 1971, Euston Films had abandoned the use of videotape, delivering gritty shows shot on location with 16mm film – such as the final two series of Special Branch (1973-4) and The Sweeney (1974-8). (One of Euston Film’s biggest successes was Minder, which began broadcasting in 1979, the same year as Quatermass.) Filmed entirely on 35mm, one of the factors allowing the series to be edited down to feature length for theatrical release in America (as The Quatermass Conclusion), Quatermass was an expensive production for Euston Films, costing around £1.2 million. Verity Lambert, the chief executive of Euston Films at the time of Quatermass’s production, once said ‘I think it was the most expensive thing we attempted at Euston Films at that point. And we felt that the only way we could justify the expense was to make sure we could re-edit it into a film which could possibly have theatrical release as well as have a four-parter’ (Lambert, quoted in Chapman, 2006: 41). ![]() ![]() Apart from featuring a to-be-expected abbreviated version of the narrative (the narrative events of episode one are condensed into the first hour of the film, for example), The Quatermass Conclusion omits the whole of episode three’s reference to the elderly people who live in the wrecker’s yard, with new footage filmed for the subsequent hospital sequences: in the film, Quatermass doesn’t get separated from Annie and is present as a witness when Isabel explodes in the hospital. Otherwise, the film retains the narrative structure of the series – but the series, which expands upon and clarifies many of the plot points within the story, is a far more rewarding experience. Kneale also adapted the scripts into a novel, also published in 1979, which expands upon some of the events in the story and develops the relationship between Quatermass and Annie. The series’ success with audiences was impacted by the ITV technicians strike of August 1979, which led to the broadcast of the heavily-advertised first episode – originally intended to be in September – to be delayed until October. ![]() ![]() The contents of the discs are as follows: DISC ONE (Blu-ray): Episode 1: ‘Ringstone Round’ (54:26) Episode 2: ‘Lovely Lightning’ (54:25) Episode 3: ‘What Lies Beneath’ (52:47) Episode 4: ‘An Endangered Species’ (53:31) Textless Film Titles (1:59) Episode Recaps (4:25) DISC TWO (Blu-ray) The Quatermass Conclusion (106:41) Textless End Titles (2:53) Trailer (mute) (4:32) Gallery (2:51)
![]() The biggest differences between this HD presentation and the previous DVD release of the series from Clearvision, aside from the level of detail present here, are in the contrast levels and the colour. Where both the contrast and the reds seemed boosted in the series’ previous DVD incarnation, here the contrast is more balanced and the skin tones look much more natural (except, of course, for when the sky turns sickly green in episodes three and four). For the record, the break bumpers are intact on the episodes, and the Thames logo is present at the start (though the latter, oddly, seems to be a digital recreation of the original Thames logo, with slightly different placing of the letters). ![]() NB. Some larger screen grabs from each episode and the feature film are included at the bottom of this review.
![]() The new 5.1 mix demonstrates some effective, but subtle, separation effects that distinguish it (naturally) from the original two-channel sound mix and give it added ‘oomph’ (for example, in the organ chords used in the opening theme). However, the original materials are handled with respect in this 5.1 presentation and even the most devout of audio purists will find it satisfying, though many will probably default to the original audio mix. Optional English subtitles for the Hard of Hearing are included on the disc.
Disc one includes: ![]() - Episode Recaps (4:25). These are the episode recaps with which the second, third and fourth episodes were accompanied. The first recap is presented without sound. Disc two includes: - Textless End Titles (2:53). The clue is in the descriptive title, but this is the closing sequence of The Quatermass Conclusion, once again presented sans text and sound. - Trailer (mute) (4:32). This trailer prepared for the release of The Quatermass Conclusion is presented without sound. - Gallery (2:51). A stills gallery containing on-set photographs.
![]() This Blu-ray release of the series is excellent, a huge leap forwards from the previously available DVD release. The inclusion of the feature film edit, The Quatermass Conclusion, is incredibly welcome, and the presentation of both that and the series itself is first class. This is a must-buy release which for fans of British television, and especially fans of Nigel Kneale, will arguably be one of the most significant home video releases of the year. References: Chapman, James, 2006: ‘Quatermass and the origins of British television sf’. In: Cook, John R & Wright, Peter (eds), 2006: British Science Fiction Television: A Hitchhiker’s Guide. London: I B Tauris: 21-51 Cumbow, Robert, 2000: Order in the Universe: The Films of John Carpenter. Maryland: Scarecrow Press Hutchings, Peter, 2004: ‘We’re the Martians Now: British SF Invasion Fantasies of the 1950s and 1960s’. In: Redmond, Sean (ed), 2004: Liquid Metal: The Science Fiction Film Reader. Columbia University Press: 337-46 Screen grabs comparing the television version with The Quatermass Conclusion Quatermass: ![]() The Quatermass Conclusion: ![]() Quatermass: ![]() The Quatermass Conclusion: ![]() Quatermass: ![]() The Quatermass Conclusion: ![]() Episode 1: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Episode 2: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Episode 3: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Episode 4: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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