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Ring of Spies AKA Ring of Treason AKA Shadow of Treason
R2 - United Kingdom - Network Review written by and copyright: Paul Lewis (25th July 2014). |
The Film
![]() Ring of Spies AKA Ring of Traitors AKA Shadow of Treason (Robert Tronson, 1964) ![]() During the trial (which Launder attended prior to writing this film), Ethel Gee claimed that she was unaware that the information she was stealing from the base was being passed on to Soviet agents. Gee asserted that she believed Lonsdale to be Alex Johnson, an American naval commander and an ally who was simply interested in investigating what Britain was doing with information that had been passed on to it by the US. Gee did not believe that she had involved in anything criminal. Meanwhile, Houghton, who had previously had connections within the black market during his time working as a naval attaché at the British Embassy in Warsaw, claimed that he had been cajoled into co-operating with Lonsdale and the Krogers in response to threats against his life and the lives of Gee and Houghton’s ex-wife. Lonsdale, meanwhile, was a mystery: he was known to be a Canadian businessman who rented jukeboxes and gambling machines to pubs in London, but his history could only be traced back to 1954, and it was widely believed that he was a Russian agent living under a stolen identity. ![]() This film dramatisation of these events casts Bernard Lee as Harry Houghton, and begins with Houghton’s days as a naval attaché in Warsaw. In these early scenes, Houghton is depicted as an alcoholic and something of a lech. Early in the film, during a party at the British Embassy in Warsaw, Houghton propositions a waitress and causes a scene; in response, he is told to report to his commanding officer’s office ‘at 0900 tomorrow’. That night, he is visited by a local prostitute named Christina, who later will pass his information on to the KGB; when he returns to the UK, Houghton is initially brought in to the spy ring after he is blackmailed about his relationship with Christine in Warsaw. At the meeting with his superior, Houghton is warned that he is ‘a bad security risk’ and is to be sent home; but shortly after, he is shown back home in the UK, bring driven to the Underwater Weapons Division in Portland, an officer telling him ‘They reckon this is the most hush-hush joint in the country’. The reasons for the posting of Houghton, the ‘bad security risk’, in Portland, ‘the most hush-hush joint in the country, is ambiguous within the film: we are uncertain as to whether he is posted there simply due to administrative incompetence (were the details of his escapades in Warsaw minimised or simply overlooked?), or has been deliberately placed there by a double-agent working higher up within the department. Much later in the film, we are shown more senior figures within British intelligence who are also working for the KGB, so the latter explanation is within the realms of extreme possibility. Thankfully, the filmmakers refuse to spoonfeed us; the ambiguity surrounding this scenario reinforces the sense that Houghton (and his associate Gee) is simply a pawn in a much larger game. ![]() ![]() Although it’s evident that their crimes are serious acts of treason, the film has some sympathy for Harry and Bunty, depicting them as pawns within a much larger game. As Tony Shaw notes, ‘[u]nlike similar films ten years earlier […] the pair are not condemned outright’ (2006: 59). Instead, Shaw argues, Ring of Spies ‘makes an attempt to focus on the psychology of contemporary treason’, focusing on the ‘sad and tragic lives’ that are led by Harry and Bunty, ‘partly related to the mind-numbing nature of their work’ (ibid.). They seek excitement and, badly paid (or so they argue), desire to be recognised and rewarded for their work. Houghton is a blowhard, ‘but he is endowed with enough charm and warmth to make us understand his weaknesses’ (ibid.). Shaw quotes the contemporary review from Films and Filming, in which the writer noted that ‘The film almost persuades us that, in their shoes, we could have acted as they did’ (quoted in ibid.). Harry and Bunty only do what they do because they live in ‘an increasingly materialistic and valueless society’ that encourages their fascination with material goods and their love of leisure, which allows Lonsdale to seduce them into acting as spies with parties and promises of money (ibid.). Lonsdale, Shaw argues, ‘is merely feeding the pleasure-seeking desires’ that have been instilled in Harry and Bunty by the society in which they live (ibid.). However, Harry and Bunty are doomed to be undervalued: as they are underpaid in their day jobs, Harry and Bunty are also short-changed by the KGB, never receiving the payments they are promised – this is one of the ways in which the KGB string them along. ‘Must there be a next time, Harry?’, Bunty asks at one point. ‘You saw how much the cheque was for’, Houghton responds, ‘Won’t even buy me a house’. ![]() As R Barton Palmer has asserted, the semi-documentary films noirs explored and highlighted ‘the dark underside of American culture and institutions […] and the guilty, antisocial desires usually buried deep within the human heart’ (2013: np). Ring of Spies has a similar agenda. One of the things that’s interesting about the film’s depiction of spycraft is the utter normalcy that surrounds it. We are shown Lonsdale in his work as a jukebox salesman; exchanges take place in pubs and cafes; late in the film, we are shown more double agents working within British intelligence, these ones different from Houghton and Bunty only because they are less naïve and more senior within the establishment, able to cover their tracks; microdots are produced in the Kroger’s unremarkable suburban home in Ruislip. The use of popular entertainment venues as a cover for espionage is subversive. Where music hall entertainment was often used as a signifier of solidarity, offering ‘a communal venue in which the traditional mixing of classes […] engenders a sense of national community’, Harry and Bunty’s trip to see the Crazy Gang during a visit to London is used ironically (Geraghty, 2002: 15). The sense of national identity and community symbolised by the show they are watching is juxtaposed with (and undercut by) the knowledge of their treachery: the sequence in which they visit the theatre is cross-cut with a scene depicting Lonsdale, Peter and Helen turning the data Harry and Bunty have passed to them into microdots which are to be passed on to the KGB. The Krogers’ suburban home is utterly normal and equally unremarkable. When Lonsdale arrives at the Kroger house with the data passed on to him by Bunty and Gee, Helen Kroger closes the curtains. Lonsdale asks, ‘What if the neighbours get suspicious of those drawn curtains?’ In response, Peter Kroger tells him, ‘The English are great lovers of privacy and eccentricity. A man who buys and sells old books, and bolts and bars his house at night? This is a man that’s worth of respect, not suspicion’. The film is uncut and runs for 86:44 mins (PAL).
The film is presented in 1.66:1, which would seem to be its intended aspect ratio (at least, judging by the compositions). The presentation is anamorphically enhanced. The monochrome photography is represented nicely here, with good contrast and tonality. There is some wear and tear evident throughout (noticeable vertical lines here and there, for example), but nothing too distracting.
Audio is presented via a two-channel mono track, which is clean and clear throughout. Sadly, there are no subtitles.
The disc includes the films original trailer (2:44) and a stills gallery (1:00). The original pressbook is also included, as a .PDF file.
![]() The film isn’t dour, however. There are some amusing moments. Notable amongst these is a sequence in which detectives follow Houghton and Bunty as they drive along country roads. Two policewomen are disguised as nuns driving a car. Houghton and Bunty pass the care containing the two disguised police officers. ‘Did you see who we just passed?’, Bunty asks, laughing. Tronson cuts to the car containing the policewomen, clad in the garb of nuns, one of them declaring, ‘Don’t let the bastards get too far ahead, Doris, or you’ll have someone come between us’. Elsewhere, when two detectives take a room in a lodging house opposite the home of Lonsdale, they encounter a landlady who tells them that her late husband wouldn’t let enquiry agents take out a room in the building because he was a Catholic and didn’t believe in divorce. Ultimately, Ring of Spies is an excellent, thought-provoking film. This DVD release contains a very good presentation of the film itself, but it would have been nice to see a little more contextual material. Nevertheless, fans of espionage dramas, or even fans of films noirs (with which this film shares much in common), will find this a worthwhile purchase. References: Geraghty, Christine, 2002: British Cinema in the Fifties: Gender, Genre and the New Look. London: Routledge Palmer, R Barton, 2013: ‘Borderings: The Film Noir Semi-Documentary’. In: Spicer, Andrew & Hanson, Helen (eds), 2013: A Companion to Film Noir. London: Blackwell Shaw, Tony, 2006: British Cinema and the Cold War: The State, Propaganda and Consensus. London: I B Tauris This review has been kindly sponsored by: ![]()
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