The Show

To most of my friends my love of metal is no real surprise, and I'm talking about the genre of music not the element. From a teenager head-banging to the grunge era into adulthood and the discovery of harder metal from countries such as Norway and Finland, this Scandinavian Metal is considered the heaviest, 'Death Metal' to be precise. The bands in question which can include Finntroll and Children of Bodom two name a couple. The lyrics are often morbid and the riffs are always heavier than most, the antics are legendary and the fans die-hard. This series "Metalocalypse" parody's these types of bands to great results and a first series that filled with memorable moments that will have viewers repeating all the funny lines.
This animated series debuted on Adult Swim and was created by Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha they either have an incredible knowledge of Metal or the best researchers that TV network money can buy to pull off a series like this, the attention to detail is astounding from the many references packed into each show and the pitch perfect delivery of the band members. For fans of this genre of music there's plenty to laugh at and soon enough you'll have already picked out a favorite band member...if you haven't already.
"Metalocalypse" is about the world's heaviest Metal band and 12thg largest economy, Dethklok. Consisting of Americans front-man Nathan Explosion, bassist William Murderface and drummer Pickles along with Scandinavian guitarists Toki Wartooth and Skwisgaar Skwigelf (the entire band is voiced by both creators of the series, Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha) the band spend their time playing shows for die hard fans, promoting products and recording their latest album which must be the heaviest album ever! Meanwhile their rise is being tracked by an unknown government organization that has plans of derailing their success and killing them all.
When the series premiered it was the #1 rated show in its time slot (the demographic is among males between the ages of 18-34), the show garnered the best premiere ranking and ratings in the history of the Network. On the outset you'd think a show such as this has limited appeal, to the heavy metal crowd. Its style of humor which is often violent and morbid, the metal themes and anthems and overall tone of the show is certainly not for the mainstream audience but then again Adult Swim has never really been for the mainstream audience. The shows in which they've developed are varied and are targeted to that 18-34 male category, and the Network seems to understand their core viewers and what they like in a series and have therefore constantly delivered quality programming.
"Metalocalypse" is an interesting beast of a show; I love the fact that these band members are unique and instantly identifiable. They are Metal gods that can deliver the meanest tune, they are good at what they do but in life they're totally lost. A lot of the show's comedy stems from their flaws but also from their devotion to the blackest music of all. Which is also a highlight of each episode as we introduced to new heavy metal songs, my personal favorites from the series include Murderface's happy birthday song and the Troll song they play in Finland that awakens the Lake Troll, as well as the various selection from the album they're recording like "Mermaider" which is about Mermaid Murder. The sense of humor is as dark as the band's music with a lot of plot devices focusing around sociopath and psychopathic tendencies, severe alcoholism and obsession over pain, brutality and violence. The show is not for kids and certainly is an acquired taste. Fans of Metal will likely get a lot out of this series, its funny and the repeat value is there, it's the kind of series you'd want to share with all your like-minded friends. Liking the show is largely depended on whether or not you like Heavy Metal, if the answer is no then this show isn't for you so skip it.
Presented in the show's original broadcast ratio of 1.78:1 this widescreen transfer is non-anamorphic and despite this obvious flaw the image is excellent and probably slightly better than when they appeared on television. Continuing the consistently good transfers for these Adult Swim programs this series features clear and sharp image quality. Detail is very good and colors are vibrant and bold especially black levels which appear solid and have no noise. For an animated series this is a solid transfer that does not feature any noticeable flaws.
A single English Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo Track is included, while the series has a lot of aggressive sound effects and set pieces it would have been great had the producers included a 5.1 track. The series is filled with moments that would rock in 5.1 but instead we have the original broadcast audio in 2.0 stereo which I suppose will please purists. The series mix is well done considering the limitation of stereo over surround, some dialogue is a bit hard to hear especially the lyrics of their songs and subtitles were occasionally switched on to get a better grasp of what was being said, though this is not a fault in the audio but rather the heavy manner in which the music is sung parodying the various heavy metal bands the show takes stabs at.
Optional subtitles are included in English, French and Spanish.
In a curious move Warner Brothers has presented all the extras on these discs as hidden features and takes a bit of clicking around to find them all.
Highlight 'play all', press up once and then enter - "Extended Dubai Concert" clip that runs for 1 minute 44 seconds and sees Murderface playing his bass with his penis.
Highlight 'episodes' press up once and then enter - "Nathan Explosion Book Reading" clip which runs for 20 minutes 17 seconds, Nathan records a reading of "Hamlet" as he tries to stumble through the text.
Highlight 'set-up' press up one and then enter - "Murderface Plays Game" clip runs for 1 minute 43 seconds, this is an extended scene is Murderface playing the 'Wheelchair Bound' video game.
Highlight 'play all' press up twice and then enter - "Old Man Guitar" clip is a 1 minute 21 second clip of an old man playing a guitar while watching TV.
Highlight 'Episodes' press up twice and then enter - "Thunderhorse" outtakes runs for 4 minutes 13 seconds, this is a humorous series of outtakes featuring Skwisgaar Skwigelf being directed on how to have sex with the girl while shooting the music video.
Highlight 'play all', press up once then enter : interview clip "Family" runs for 59 seconds as the band talk about their families or rather refuse to talk about them.
Highlight 'episodes', press up once then enter - interview clip "Future" runs for 1 minute 26 seconds, the band talk about their future as Murderface tries to make an ill-fated comment about baseball and Mars...
Highlight 'episodes', press up twice then enter - interview clip "Disasters" runs for 57 seconds as the band talk about natural disasters from where they are from including tornados, frozen rain and cold winds among other things.
Highlight 'episodes', press up three times then enter - interview clip "Breakfast" runs for 1 minute 54 seconds and features the band talking about the importance of breakfast and the different types of breakfast they've eating in other countries.
Highlight 'episodes', press up four times then enter - interview clip "Education" runs for 2 minutes 23 seconds and features the band talking about how education is important because you can learn how to read, write and do math.
Highlight 'episodes', press up five times then enter - interview clip "Fans" runs for 1 minute 3 seconds as the band talks about wishing their fans dead.
Highlight 'episodes', press up once, then left once then enter - interview clip "Insects" runs for 2 minutes 34 seconds as they comment on poisonous insects.
Highlight 'episodes', press up once then left three times then enter - interview clip "Politics" runs for 1 minute 13 seconds, the band shares their thoughts on voting.
Highlight 'episodes', press up once then left four times then enter - interview clip "Women" runs for 2 minutes 17 seconds, they comment on keeping relationships exciting by continually surprising your partner.
Highlight 'episodes', press up once then left once then enter - "Mordhaus Tour" clip runs for 5 minutes 20 seconds, this is the complete intro video featuring face bones that is presented to fans who visit the house on Fan Day.
Highlight 'set-up', press up once then enter - "Montage" clip runs for 5 minutes 7 seconds, this features some footage from the series but to heavy metal music.
Highlight 'episodes', press enter, select 'play all' then go right and enter - "Pickles on Drugs" extended scene runs for 8 minutes 14 seconds, during his Snakes N' Barrels days we see Pickles high on drugs in a hotel room babbling and rambling to himself while in his underwear.
Highlight 'episodes', press enter, select "Dethkids" then go right then enter : uncensored scene "Dildo" runs for 29 seconds, Toki shows off his new codpiece which is actually a green strap-on dildo.
Highlight 'episodes', press enter, select "Dethstars" then go left then enter - "Burzumns Menu" clip is a 2 minute 23 second look at the menu for the restaurant the band took their family to.
Highlight 'episodes', press enter, select "Dethstars" then go right then enter : uncensored scene "Flashers" runs for 35 seconds as Nathan gets flashed by a few female fans at a concert which doesn't make his girlfriend happy.
This 2-disc set is packaged in a fold-out digi-pack house in a cardboard slip-case.
The Show: B+ |
Video: B |
Audio: B |
Extras: B+ |
Overall: B |