The Film

This movie sort of shoots itself in the foot. It's not as bad as the ending in 'The Women', but some of its bits are fundamentally flawed. I don't know if it was designed that way or if it's just a by-product of trying to make a comedy with the premise it has, but there's something unsettling and if I were a woman it really wouldn't make me feel all that comfy at the end.
To suck out all the fun of this review, let's analyze this movie objectively (well, as objectively as possible for a twenty-something guy to review a movie about a bunch of girls trying to be sexy). The premise: a bunch of girls take a seduction class in order to spice up their present relationship or to help them pick up a guy. Now, if I were a feminist, I'd ask why they need a guy to begin with? Companionship and comfort are good reasons for that, though. Being in a loveless relationship isn't fun. They could easily leave their mates, but that's no fun, either, as the movie would only be 14 minutes long.
Now, the movie follows basically four women in their trial and/or tribulation with a guy. The only one that's truly with the spirit of the movie is the one about the lady with a motorhead of a husband. I'm not going to ruin the movie by telling you what happens, but I think it's the sub-plot with the best and most satisfying outcome.
The worst one is the older couple. I have no sympathy for this lady. She's ignorant as to why her husband is distant (which, to be fair, isn't the most obvious reason). She takes the class, and her husband still isn't happy, and changes again so her hubby (who hasn't changed one bit in the entire movie) falls back in love with her again? I don't think so.
The lady with the jackass for a co-worker is a more moderate sub-plot, which is good and I love the way it ended. The cashier's bit is also okay, but rather predictable (more on that later). Don't get me started on the teacher, though, because I thoroughly didn't like it. It's silly and, in my opinion, unrealistic. It simplifies complex issues and its resolution is far too easy.
The plot, as I mentioned above, unfolds with the predictability of an alarm clock. Everything that happens, happens exactly when it's supposed to happen. This is quite annoying because nothing is surprising and so everything is rather bland. To be fair, there are a couple of good jokes and I did laugh a few times in the movie.
The overall point of the movie is, I find, pretty lost in the all the good and bad relationships. The message is stronger here, lost there, a bit over there. It's a bit scattered. As such, my analysis might be a bit misplaced. Instead of giving out a message, maybe the movie just wants to entertain. As such, it's okay, though my brain still didn't appreciate the problems too much. If you want something light and fluffy (and rather simple), then give this a try if nothing else is around. Otherwise, this movie is as forgettable as the characters' names.
1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen. The picture is generally fine, though not perfect. The colours and their contrast are good, with no compression errors. The print is clear and free of big and annoying blemishes. The picture is a bit rough-looking, though and it's as clear as it could be. The transfer is okay, but not as perfect as it could be.
The only track is an adequate English Dolby Digital 2.0 stereo track. It's adequate. You can hear all the slang you can ever think of, without any muffling or hissing or anything of the sort. The range is nice enough, though sometimes the songs may be a tiny bit screechy. This is not a bit problem, though. Everything is clear and at good levels.
The only thing that could be conceived of as extras are a few start-up trailers that only appear before the main menu: 'See Jane Date' (1:07), 'Obsession' (1:28), 'Mystery Woman' (1:27).
The Film: C- |
Video: C+ |
Audio: B- |
Extras: F |
Overall: C- |