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C.S.I.: NY: The Complete Third Season
R1 - America - Paramount Home Entertainment Review written by and copyright: Pat Pilon (11th January 2008). |
The Show
![]() When a show is popular, the viewing public sometimes just can't get enough of it. If that show happens to be produced by Jerry Bruckheimer : master of giving the public what it wants : then spinoffs are evidently to follow. Thus, "CSI: Miami" was born, and in turn it was very popular. Mr. Bruckheimer and "CSI" creator Anthony E. Zuiker decided a second spinoff was in order. This new spinoff was also popular, and this brings us to the third season of "CSI: NY". It had a lot to live up to, but manages to fill out its niche very nicely, holding very well to its two older siblings. As with the two other "CSI" series, "CSI: NY" follows a group of crime scene investigators as they mingle work life with personal life, solving crimes and catching bad guys. The team is led by Detective Mac Taylor (a superb Gary Sinise), and consists mainly of detectives Stella Bonasera (Melina Kanakaredes), Danny Messer (Carmine Giovinazzo), Don Flack (Eddie Cahill) and Lindsay Monroe (Anna Belknap). They're aided by Adam Ross (A.J. Buckley) and doctors Sheldon Hawkes (Hill Harper) and Sid Hammerback (Robert Joy) for forensics. Claire Forlani also has a fairly prominent role as a medical examiner (Peyton Driscoll) spending lots of time with Mac Taylor. The cast is all-around superb, though I have to give props to Gary Sinise, who really carries the show expertly and shows off some incredible charisma in every episode. What distinguishes this series from the two other "CSI" shows is the structure. The structure is pretty stable throughout the season: two cases show up just about every episode. Sometimes ("Hung Out to Dry", "What Schemes May Come") they're connected, but mostly they're not. This works out very well, and prevents the episodes from dragging. (Though this might seem impossible given that some episodes hardly go over 40 minutes, opening and closing credits intact!) Each case is smartly thought out and involves the viewer to a very high degree. Sometimes, however, some events are a bit easy. I'm thinking of the end of "Hung Out to Dry". The word 'how' comes to mind. On the other hand, this gang actually has to work for their convictions. Many times, fingerprints and DNA evidence aren't in any system (in sharp contrast to "CSI: Miami"), meaning that the CSIers have to find alternate angles to pursue a case, leading to less obvious, but highly creative problem solving techniques (the Clay Dobson 3-episode arc comes to mind). Another plus in the series is the lack of overly dramticising events. The season finale is very intense and, with the personal relationships established between some of the characters, many tears and long drawn-out moments could have been shot. The filmmakers know that people watch the show for the cases, and leave the drama to a minimum. This actually helps the show. There are character moments in every episode and over the course of the season, every character is a fully drawn out. You're shown emotion and personal lives only when it's necessary. This makes the danger more evident, because you're not tired of these people at the start of the season. There's also a lot of past to explore and outlets for growth. In the third season, the show has strong writing and strong characters. A lot happens in the season, and while some of it is a stretch, all of it is entertaining. The Shane Casey arc is very well written and those two episodes are definite standouts in a very strong season. This is a very worthy companion to its older sibling and it can certainly hold its own. Here is a breakdown of the season by disc. disc 1: 301 : People with Money (42:56) A pair or naked bungee-jumpers discover a man dying. At the same time, a blonde girl dies in her house wearing pillows for gloves. 302 : Not What It Looks Like (44:17) A group of Holly Golightly impersonators walk into a bank and rob it. Meanwhile, the body wife of a prominent businessman who disappeared three weeks ago is found. 303 : Love Run Cold (41:31) At a launch party for a new Vodka the 'Vodka Princess' is found dead. Also, a runner at a marathon drops dead. 304 : Hung Out to Dry (42:59) Someone is discovered dead at a big frat party. The CSI gang soon discovers they have a serial killer in their midst. Edward Furlong guest stars. This is one of the better episodes of the season. disc 2: 305 : Oedipus Hex (44:10) After a Suicide Girls show, one of the girls is found dead. A basketball player on a street court is also found dead. 306 : Open and Shut (42:27) A girl is found impaled on a spike in a ritzy apartment building. When the CSI gang is investigating, some gunshots are heard and they discover a fresh murder. 307 : Murder Sings the Blues (42:53) At a party inside a subway car, a girl has a bad drink and dies. An athlete is also found in his swim gym. He's not living, obviously. 308 : Consequences (43:10) A paintball player dies in a warehouse during an off-the-record competition with a rival. That rival goes missing. Eventually, a moon rock shows up. disc 3: 309 : And Here's To You, Mrs. Azrael (43:08) A partying 19-year-old girl is in a massive car crash and dies five days later. The trouble is that she doesn't die from the accident. 310 : Sweet 16 (43:04) A base jumper dies due to a rash of dead birds falling on his chute. At a Sweet 16 party, the girl's dad shows up dead. 311 : Raising Shane (42:45) A continuation of "Hunt Out to Dry". Detective Hawkes is fingered for a murder, while a junkie at a peep show booth is discovered dead. 312 : Silent Night (40:39) Someone's daughter is killed in her own home, and a figure skating queen is found dead at an ice rink. Marlee Matlin and figure skater Sasha Cohen guest star. disc 4: 313 : Obsession (42:45) Some kids playing touch football inadvertently discover a dead body. While running through a field, a dead man in a shopping cart rolls by. 314 : The Lying Game (40:15) After a drag show, the main queen is found dead in a bathroom. The next morning a salt truck finds itself with a dead body in it. 315 : Some Buried Bones (42:48) Nelly Furtado goes around glitzy shops and shoplifts expensive clothes. At a hedge maze, a college student turns up dead. 316 : Heart of Glass (42:24) A sexy blonde is found dead in a guy's apartment bath and a man is also found dead, but this time in his own apartment. disc 5: 317 : The Ride-In (42:57) A loner, Noah, is killed in his apartment. In his backyard, the CSI gang find and ark. The same night, a guy dressed as a giant cigarette is found dead, as well. Judd Nelson guest stars. 318 : Sleight Out of Hand (41:26) An illusionist, as a stunt, decides to have three death-defying tricks in three nights. At the same time, someone dies in the same way he does his trick. Criss Angel guest stars. 319 : A Daze of Wine and Roaches (41:36) At a costume party benefit, 'Marie-Antoinette' is killed at the guillotine, but she didn't die from the blade. A top chef is found dead in his own restaurant. 320 : What Schemes May Come (43:17) A knight in shining armour impaled on a wooden stake stumbles and dies on the steps of a fountain. Also, a guy in a grand hotel suite ends up tied to the bed with an ice pick through the back of his neck. At the same time, someone steals a body from the medical examiner's van, leaving Mac worked about Peyton. disc 6: 321 : Past Imperfect (40:48) While ghostriding, a group of kids discover a dead woman's body, which has a small lock around its neck. While at the crime scene, a man stumbles in, telling the cops someone's trying to kill him before collapsing on the ground. Joey Lawrence guest stars in this episode and he appears in the next two, as well. 322 : Cold Reveal (43:07) Some altar boys sneaking through church to get some wine discover the body of a man dressed as an angel on the floor of the church. Stella's blood is also found at the murder scene from ten years back. 323 : "...Comes Around" (41:19) The court case from two episodes back is in full progress. At a bachelorette party, people are accusing John McEnroe of killing someone. 324 : Snow Day (42:20) A famous druglord is found dead in a warehouse right after a huge drug bust. The same day, the police station is ambushed, presumably in the hopes of getting those 900 kilos of coke. It's a very nice and very intense way to finish the season.
1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen. Of the three 'CSI' series, this is probably the one with the most standard visual style. There's nothing particularly special about the cinematography, editing or framing. It's still a very nice looking show and the transfer represents that to a very high degree. The print is free of any specks, scratches or other physical problem. The authoring does give rise to some noise, especially considering a lot of the episodes have some strong shadows. The contrast is very nice, though, giving the picture accurate colours. The level of detail could probably be a bit better, though I believe that's a by-product of the cinematography and not the transfer. Overall, I'm quite happy with the picture.
There are two audio tracks, and English Dolby Digital 5.1 track and a Spanish dub in Dolby Digital 2.0 surround. Throughout the season, the mixing is very consistent and very strong. The dialogue, being the most important thing is almost always heard. It's washed out a few times by the whoosh of a flashback or other effect during a smash cut, but for the most part it's clear and audible. It's never too soft, though. The nice score comes out very nicely, utilising the full range of your speakers, and even the subwoofer many times. The gunfire and explosions have nice response and extend out to the rear speakers, as well. Ambiance is also very lively and accurate, with plenty of small drips and clicks in dank places or in the lab. The track is very natural and gives you a very nice sound environment. There are no subtitles.
Paramount and CBS were very nice to this season. First, the crappy extras. A few Previews are available to be seen on the first disc: 'Criminal Minds: Season Two' (0:43), 'Ghost Whisperer: Season Two' (0:52), 'CSI: Miami', 'CSI', 'CSI: NY', 'Numbers', 'NCIS', 'Medium' and 'The 4400' (3:29), 'Mission: Impossible: Season Two' and 'American Gangster' (1:41). 'Twin Peaks: The Definitive Gold Box Edition' (2:19) and 'Dexter' (0:38) are also here as start-up trailers only. On disc one you can also find one of four audio commentary on "Not What It Looks Like" by episode writers Pam Veasey, Peter Lenkov and episode director Duane Clark. These three talk a lot about the technicalities about the episode, explaining the science and how it was tweaked to accommodate the episode. The visual effects and locations are also talked about. The story and writing process, including adding details to fill out the crime scenes are mentioned. There's also the Breaking the Killer Code featurette (12:36). The show creator and actors talk about 'Hung Out to Dry'. They talk about the story in the episode, the shirts and the killer. The evolution of the concept and the design of the shirts are talked about. The episode writer also talks about the ending of the episode and how he feels about it. On disc two is the next audio commentary on "Oedipus Rex" by creator Anthony E. Zuiker and guest star Missy Suicide. Mr. Zuiker seems a lot more interested in the Suicide Girls and Missy Suicide than he is in the episode. He only really talks about the Suicide Girls subplot than the basketball one. The pair talk about having the girls on set and how crazy it was. It's an okay commentary but they seem to be straining to say things at times. The third audio commentary is on "Consequenses" by episode writer Pam Veasey and actor Eddie Cahill. This is the best commentary of the set as the pair have a lot of fun joking around and talking about the episode. They mention visual effects and which shots they like. They make fun of Mr. Cahill's character, as well. They talk about the plot and about Don Fleck's arc starting in this episode. It's a fun commentary with some nice information. A lot of little tidbits are mentioned, making it great fun for fans of the show. The Suicide Girls Rock "CSI: NY" featurette (11:34) is also found here. Those alternate goth girls tell you how it was to be on the show. The creator talks about how he got introduced to Suicide Girls and how he got in contact with them. The girls talk about how they joined the community and how they feel about working on the show. They all seem interesting and this makes for an interesting featurette. On disc three is the fourth audio commentary, on "Silent Night" by episode writers Peter Lenkov & Sam Humphrey. These two have a nice time talking about their episode. They talk a lot about the science and if it's real or not. They talk about broomball and zambonis. They also mention the work with Marlee Matlin. They do narrate a bit, which can get a bit long. They also talk about the characters and the story, elaborating on what viewers might not figure out. There's also another featurette, called The Making of "Silent Night" (8:25). The actors and creator talk about working with Marlee Matlin. Mrs. Matlin talks about working on the show. The creator also talks about how and why he wanted her on the show. He also talks about Sasha Cohen and why he wanted her on the show. Miss Cohen says how great it was to get an acting opportunity, and how nice everybody was. Disc six sees the last featurette, Hill Harper Explores The Body Farm (22:12). Mr. Harper introduces the Tennessee institute he's visiting and tells you what they do. He then takes you on a tour of this place. The bodies there are buried in the ground, or left in the brush, to simulate real crime scenes. Mr. Hill and the guide take you around the compound and show you various experiments in various stages of decomposition. It's a bit disgusting, but it's really fascinating hearing the Ph.D. candidate talking about her work and the work being done there. This is the best extra of the set.
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