The Film

Dumb And Dumber is a comedy film bought to us by the same people who directed Osmosis Jones (Crap), Stuck On You (Crap), Shallow Hal (Not Bad), There's Something About Mary (Great) and Kingpin (Excellent). It stars Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels as two loser friends called Harry and Lloyd. When Lloyd (Carrey) drops of a lady called Mary Swanson at the airport, he notices that she leaves her suitcase full of money on the floor in the airport (for crooks who have kidnapped her husband). After himself and Harry get sacked from their jobs, they take it upon themselves to travel to Aspen and deliver her the suitcase themselves. Now, many people I know, love this film, and I can see why. To a point. The humour relies heavily on the usual typical gag in this type of film. For me, it managed one laugh in the whole film (Where Harry takes out Mrs Swanson with a snowball from about 2 foot). It's not to say the film is rubbish, I just didn't find it all it was cracked up to be. It does have a storyline somewhere in there, it just wonders off at every opportunity. As for Carrey and Daniels. Both of them are great. It's obvious however that Daniels can see he's not going to entertain people with funny faces and physical humour (as Carrey does that too well), so he obviously goes for the 'be stupid' role of Dumber. As I said, this is overated average comedy. They can do so much better like Kingpin and There's Something About Mary.
We are given a 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer for this film and I don't have any complaints. It's what you expect for a film that is been given a standard catalogue release. A few moments of noticeable grain, but not enough to be a major problem.
2.0 Stereo. Why? Not even a 2.0 Surround track, let alone a 5.1. The dialogue is clear but the effects were sometimes not up to scratch. The soundtrack is available in both English and German.
Photo Gallery - Why do companies give us shots that I could've easily got by pressing pause at any time during the movie?
Biographies and Filmographies - Not in-depth but I suppose they give us enough information that one could possibly want about Jim Carrey.
Theatrical Trailer - The film condensed into about 2 minutes. If I hadn't paid good money for this disc then I would've just watched the trailer for all the main points in the film.
The Film: C |
Video: C |
Audio: D |
Extras: D |
Overall: D |